

Innovation of ceramic membrane filtration: from 2D permeation to 3D nanopurification
Yihong Lan1, Minmin Zhang1, Yubin Hong1,2, Weiguang Lan1,3
1 Research & Development Dept, Suntar Membrane Technology Limited, Singapore 569059
2 College of Materials, Xiamen University, China 361005
3 Applied Membrane Technology R & D Centre of Xiamen University, China 361005
Membrane filtration is a technique employed to separate solutes from a liquid through a semi-permeable material by a driving force. Depending on the pore size, membrane filtration can be classified as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration or reverse osmosis. Membranes are either polymeric or ceramic depending on the material. Traditionally, membranes comprise a 2D thin active layer acting as a selective barrier and a thick support layer ensuring structural integrity. Selectivity and permeability, the two working specifications of a membrane, are primarily dependent on the membrane’s pore size. Achieving high selectivity while maintaining high permeability has been a longstanding challenge for membrane filtration processes. It is also nearly impossible to separate two different solutes with similar sizes through traditional membrane filtration processes since separation in porous membranes occurs through molecular sieving. Aiming to overcome limitations of traditional 2D membrane filtration, this study is the first to introduce a 3D membrane filtration process employing three layers: one thick intermediate layer with absorption & filtration properties stemming from the integration of ceramic materials and customised active carbon with nanopores; as well as two thin supporting ceramic layers coating the internal and external surfaces of the thick active layer in the middle. This 3D membrane filtration mechanism abides by the adsorption-solution-diffusion-filtration model based on the absorptivity and chemical properties of the solutes to achieve nanopurification. It is a revolutionary innovation for membrane filtration to go from 2D permeation to 3D nanopurification, because the latter can achieve both higher selectivity and permeability at the same time. By applying this 3D membrane filtration process to drinking water purification, the removal of micropollutants and retention of minerals will be achieved simultaneously. Moreover, this process can be carried out at normal tap water pressure.